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Project 440 Receives First International Grant of $40,000 from Borletti-Buitoni Trust (BBT) 

Thanks to the support of generous trusts and foundations, Project 440 has received $50,000 in grant funding so far in 2021, including the organization’s first international grant of $40,000 from the Borletti-Buitoni Trust (BBT). The organization has also received $7,500 from The Presser Foundation, over $3,000 from The Philadelphia Cultural Fund, and $2,500 from The D’Addario Foundation.


BBT Founder Ilaria Borletti Buitoni commented, “All the organisations we support recognise the power of music to transform; to not only teach music skills that generate feelings of pride, accomplishment and respite from challenging daily lives, but also to engender the sense of inclusion, friendship, communication and self-respect that comes from engaging in music-making as a group.”

Project 440 was one of just eight organizations selected by BBT from across the globe. Our peer organizations are working in Kenya, Southern Italy, Norfolk, and beyond ignite positive change through music. Click here to read about all awarded organizations and programs.

Funds from BBT will be used to fund a second cohort of Project 440’s flagship Doing Good program in Philadelphia for the first time, doubling the program’s impact and expanding capacity to 50 students.

“Project 440 is honored to receive our first international award for the important work of our organization,” Executive Director Joseph Conyers stated. “That we can now duplicate our efforts in reaching more young people in Philadelphia both gives us great pride and strengthens our resolve to reach more of our city's you. We are thankful to these foundations for enabling Project 440 to provide our most extensive programming to the greatest number of Philadelphia youth in our organization's history.”

Funds from the Presser and D’Addario Foundation will be used to continue and expand Project 440 programming including Doing Good, Instruments for Success, and Youth Advocacy Council. Through each of these programs, we are resolute in our mission: to empower students to use music as a tool to forge new pathways for themselves and ignite change in their communities. Our vision is that every young person will have the necessary opportunities and tools for personal growth and community impact. By developing these tools through students’ shared interest in music, our programming benefits not just our students, but our community by creating a world where music is seen not as a curricular “add on,” but as an essential cornerstone of any vibrant education.

We are immensely grateful for the support of The Borletti-Buitoni Trust, The Presser Foundation, and The D’Addario Foundation for their generous support, which makes our work possible.

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The Borletti-Buitoni Trust (BBT) supports both outstanding young musicians (BBT Artists) and charitable organisations that help the underprivileged and disadvantaged through music (BBT Communities). Whether developing and sustaining young artists’ international careers, or bringing the joy of music to new communities, the Trust provides invaluable assistance and encouragement.


The Presser Foundation was established in 1939 under the Deeds of Trust and Will of the late Theodore Presser. In the charter of incorporation, The Foundation’s purposes are set forth to promote primarily the cause of musical education and musical philanthropy as follows: to provide scholarships for promising students; to increase the value of music education by erecting suitable buildings; and to administer aid to worthy teachers of music in distress.


The Philadelphia Cultural Fund (PCF) was established in 1991 when Philadelphia’s Mayor and City Council authorized the creation of an independent nonprofit whose mission is to provide funds to enhance the cultural life and vitality of the City of Philadelphia and its residents. PCF is managed by a professional philanthropy staff, with governance provided by a board comprised of arts leaders, community members and representatives named by the Mayor and City Council President. The PCF aims to advocate for and promote arts and culture as engines of social, education and economic development in Philadelphia.


The D’Addario Foundation is a non-profit organization that identifies the highest quality, most impactful instrument instruction programs in communities of need and awards grants and product donations to assist their growth and development. The Foundation believes in the power of music to unlock creativity, boost self-confidence, and enhance academics. By making music education accessible, we can positively affect social change and foster better citizens of the world.
