manhattan school of music scholarship for project 440 students
Anna Zhang, 2023 Manhattan School of Music Project 440 scholarship recipient with Joseph Conyers, Project 440’s Founder & Vision Advisor.
Project 440’s groundbreaking and innovative programs, which expand far beyond just musical development, allow our students to grow as musicians, individuals, and members of their community. In October of 2020, Manhattan School of Music announced that it will offer one full-tuition scholarship per year to a Project 440 student in recognition of our programming.
Eligibility Requirements:
Students who have completed a Project 440 program offered either online or in-person at any point during their high school career are eligible to apply, regardless of what city or state they reside.
Students who enroll in Instruments for Success or Doing Good who complete the program in the fall 2024 semester are also eligible to apply, as are current members of the Youth Advocacy Council.
The applicant must apply, audition, and be accepted to a program at the Manhattan School of Music. The application deadline is December 1, 2024.
The applicant will have an opportunity to identify themselves as a Project 440 graduate on Financial Aid Questionnaire supplementary documents.
The applicant will then be considered for the Project 440 Scholarship. One scholarship winner will be selected each academic year.
For additional information, please email