Meet Maria Karakousis, the Youth Advocacy Council (YAC)’s newly elected Youth Board Representative to the Project 440 Board of Directors! Maria participated in Project 440: Online and is currently in her second year of serving on YAC. Between her academic responsibilities, extracurricular activities, and volunteer work, she was able to find some time to speak to us about her interests, aspirations for YAC, and insights for youth interested in finding an outlet for their passions in a meaningful and productive way.
Q: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? What do you like to do outside of Project 440?
Maria practicing her concerto for the All-City Concerto Competition last year. “I had so much fun and won an honorable mention.”
I am a senior attending J.R. Masterman High School. I love running, learning about and conducting scientific research, volunteering in education and environmental conservancy, and of course, playing my instruments, piano and harp through the Glissando free harp education program. I also enjoy reading and performing poetry.
Q. How did you get involved with Project 440? What drew you to this organization?
I first learned about Project 440 when I received notification of my acceptance to the 2020 All-City Orchestra Summer Academy. I noticed Project 440 among its listed partner organizations and, intrigued by the name, decided to investigate the 440 website. I was struck and inspired by the Project 440 vision: essentially, to impact positive social change through the transformative power of music. I applied to and participated in Project 440: Online that summer and loved every class in those six weeks. I remember feeling so excited when, very soon after graduating from the program, I received an email invitation to join YAC. I understood this to be an opportunity to carry forward the lessons in youth leadership and social justice advocacy (and more broadly, the Project 440 mission), which I had learned and in which I had gained experience throughout the summer.
Q: This is your second year participating in YAC. What are some learning points from last year? What do you hope to do differently?
Our overall aim remains the same: to foster greater inclusion and positive community change through our own leadership and our collaboration with organization officials, professional musicians, and other youth who are passionate about the Project 440 mission. Though we are very proud of and grateful for the success of our Music in Color series in its inaugural year, this year, we seek to broaden the reach of our program to engage more people in important, insightful discussions regarding increasing equity in music professions. We plan to build a national participant base from the Project 440 alumni network, as well as diversify the music genres represented amongst our panelists. We also hope to be able to meet in person at some point during this school year!
Maria representing JEVS Human Services at a resource fair for public housing residents in West Philadelphia.
Q: You now have two incredible Teaching Artists leading YAC! Is there anything that you hope to learn from them in this new school year?
I know that anything Ms. Sam and Ms. Melissa teach will prove useful to our work and lives in some way, so I am ready to again absorb and apply all that I learn from them. YAC is extremely fortunate to have such knowledgeable, nurturing mentors as we strive to implement their teaching to impact positive change.
Q: There are many sources of stress for young people these days, whether it be the effects of the pandemic, social justice issues, or climate change. Do you have any words of wisdom to share with other youth who may be looking for a way to deal with stress or find an outlet for their emotions?
Though feelings of stress, frustration, outrage, and anxiety for the future are entirely understandable, do not let these emotions paralyze you into inaction. Realize that you - regardless of your age - have the power to change the world by at least advancing solutions to the issues that matter to you. Taking each day and each of your activities as a serious opportunity to make a positive impact in some way provides a constant and truly fulfilling outlet for your emotions. Also, keep in mind that you must help yourself in order to help others. Find the things you love doing - that bring you real joy - and manage your time so that you can do them consistently.
Maria hiking in Kinzua Bridge State Park.