Staff Spotlight: Andy Sabol

Meet Andy Sabol, Project 440’s Interim Managing Director! Our interview highlights how and why he got involved with and how he’s grown alongside Project 440.

Q: How did you get involved with Project 440, and what drew you to this organization?

I took lessons to double on flute with Susanna Loewy, Project 440 Program Director and Lead Teaching Artist, while studying Music at Kutztown University, and began working at her music festival the summer of 2018. Susanna introduced me to an internship opportunity last year at Project 440 to gain more experience in an administrative role. I also began working on my masters in Arts Administration at Drexel University, so it presented an opportunity to apply the knowledge I gained from my education. Most importantly, however, I was a music student with interests outside of performing and I found a true connection to Project 440’s mission and vision.


Q: You wear many hats outside Project 440. Can you elaborate on the other work you pursue?

In addition to Project 440, I am the Assistant Director of the Pikes Falls Chamber Music Festival in Vermont. While my main focus now lies in my administrative work, I regularly perform as a sax player and audio engineer for PJB, a funk band in Bethelem, PA, teach a saxophone studio of grade-school students, and am the Lead Editor for an up-and-coming eSports Organization!

Q: What motivates you to work in the various roles and fields in and out of music?

I never was interested in just one area/field and struggled to decide on what to pursue in my career.
I wanted to find a way to balance all of my interests while still making a meaningful impact. Administration and teaching are the two roles that allow me to translate my experience to any field while helping a group of people grow and develop.

Q: You started as an Intern and are now the Interim Managing Director. What are some of the key things you’ve learned during your time with Project 440?

Transitioning into the Interim role presents its own challenges and learning curves. There of course are the basic administrative/operational tasks and challenges that I picked up as I went along. The most important lessons I’ve learned, however, is the value of prioritization and communication.
