Support Sponsor


Support Sponsor


Why become a Support Sponsor?

BANNER AD: Your logo or custom banner ad (700px W x 210px H) will appear in rotation on the homepage, bottom of each session, and attendee profile throughout the duration of the Fair.

LOGO ON WEBSITE: Your company’s logo will be listed on the College Fair for Musicians event page on P440’s website.

YEAR ROUND WEB LISTING: Your information will be made available on Project 440’s website for a full year following the fair for students to access through fall 2021.

CUSTOM PROFILE PAGE: You will be about to create a customizable landing page made available throughout the fair in the “Virtual Exhibit Hall” (24 hours/day from 11/10- 11/12) with ability to upload videos, livestream, images, and customized information and links.

ATTENDEE CHAT & MEET: Ability to create community board conversation topics to engage with attendees and coordinate a virtual meetup - google meets, zoom or event platform chat function.

POST REPORT W/ LEADS: Receive post event report that will include number of clicks on your sponsor banner and leads collected through the virtual booth.

SESSION SPONSOR: Opportunity to exclusively sponsor sessions with a 30 to 60 second video at the start of the session.

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